husband cracks me up.
loves westerns. He and the Western channel are good buds. I believe he’s
watched about every western series made—all 145 or so. Me? I’m not a big fan of
westerns—well aside from Bonanza, Big Valley, and The
Virginian (when I was very young, about 9 or 10-ish I had a wicked crush on
Little Joe). These were my dad’s favorites.

husband has a fabulous memory for dialog—especially for anything Lonesome Dove.
That’s top on the list of westerns he loves.
I actually had to get downright threatening when he thought going to
live in Montana (he calls it MUN-tana) would be a good thing.
Have you seen the snow they get up there?
Well, I have. No way, no how.
Have a good time. Be sure to write, lol!
One of his very good friends (and
fellow Lonesome Dove aficionados) actually did move there which tickled Dan to
no end to think of Terrence “Woodrow” in MUN-tana. Terry has a magnetized sign
that goes on his truck that says, “Hat Creek Cattle Company”. You’ll never
guess who got that for him.

husband also loves corny jokes and sayings. He has pages of stuff he’s
made up. Other things are from pop culture like movies, TV shows, or comedy
skits. He loves “voices” and is very good with mimicking what he
hears—everything from Dirty Harry to one of his favorites, South
Park’s Lock Ness Monster skit. Yep, he’s been known to launch into that one
at any time but especially when he hears the price of something being $2 or
$3.50, “and I said tree-fitty?” He can do the whole thing,
gestures, inflections, voices and all.
Bless his heart, Dan loves the voices and does them very well. Too well.
is why we have a sign hanging beside the back door that reads, Warning,
Alleged Comedian in residence. Enter at your own risk.