- "As a child, I sneaked books into bed. I nearly ruined my eyes reading by the thin strip of light shafting in the crack of my bedroom door...even though I didn't like our creepy basement, I volunteered to take the bedroom down there so I could keep my light on without my parents' knowledge...I willingly traded a full night's sleep for time spent with my literary friends."
I can so relate to the *reading by a thin strip of light of my bedroom door*. I did the same.
Emily says that good writers start out as readers. I, for one, am glad she went from reader to writer.
My DH now recognizes the “writing stare” which means even if I look at him, I may not actually see him or process any of the words coming out of his mouth. My body may be there, but my mind is in another century.
And my daughter knows if the keyboard’s clicking, I’m not to be disturbed unless the condo’s on fire or there’s blood. Lots of blood.
But one hurdle I haven’t overcome is the writing space hurdle.
Oh! To have a dedicated space for my work. A neat office with enough horizontal desk surface to hold my printers and computers and still leave room to dash off a handwritten note in comfort, while I sip my tea. As long as I’m fantasizing, let’s add floor to ceiling bookshelves across one long wall, complete with a librarian’s ladder so I can actually reach the titles on the top shelf. My records are neatly organized in oak hanging file cabinets and I never have to scramble to find receipts for expenses when tax time rolls around. I could decorate the walls with framed posters of my covers and bask in the glow of stories past. Maybe there’s a loveseat and a couple barrel chairs, so I can host my critique group in this inviting space. And a door to close on the mess when my page count is done each day.
Like the Victorians who believed every activity should have its corresponding space, I long for a dedicated writing haven. But that’s a pipedream for now.
I’ve heard that some writing superstars like Debbie Macomber actually rent office space and go to work each day like anybody else. Of course, that would negate the perk of being able to work in my jammies.
Some writers are lucky enough to have a spare bedroom they can convert into a home office. Not possible for me at present because we’re in a small condo. All available space has to perform several functions.
Others write at their kitchen table. If I did that, my family would never eat again.
Some of my writing friends take their laptops to the local Starbucks and happily pound away. If I did that, I’d never write again. I need a bit of solitude to slip into my fictive dream.
‘So where does she I write? I hear you asking'.
In my writing chair. I have a recliner in one corner of my bedroom. Mack the Wonder-dog snugs up next to my hip (alas, my darling little Susie, the black dog blending into the background, left us last November after a long and happy life) and my writing day commences. I’ll admit, writing with my feet up and my laptop balanced on a pillow sounds a bit lazy, but it gets the job done.
Someday, maybe I’ll have that dream writer’s room. But if I do, I bet there will be a recliner in the corner.
- Where do you write?
~ * ~ * ~
Crispin Hawke is revered by the ton. His artistic creations are celebrated in every fashionable parlor, tales of his fiery bed skills whispered behind every fashionable fan.
TRANSFORM AN AMERICAN HEIRESS . . .Grace Makepeace is determined to wed a titled lord, but her Bostonian bluntness leaves her least likely to succeed. To be accepted by the ‘high-in-the-instep’ crowd, she has her hands ‘done’ in marble by the incomparable, Crispin Hawke.
Crispin schools Grace in flirting and the delights of the flesh. But when she catches the eye of a Marquess, Crispin regrets her transformation. An artist isn’t supposed to lust after his own creation but how can he help Grace . . .WITHOUT FALLING FOR HER HIMSELF?
In 2001, she started writing stories after a lifetime of reading others’ stories. In May 2006, Leisure Books published her debut novel, MAIDENSONG, under her name, Diana Groe. ERINSONG followed in November 2006 and SILK DREAMS in July 2007. She writes light-hearted, sexier books under the penname, Emily Bryan.