While her characters’ romantic romps make me laugh, they do face some real conflicts which impacts on their relationship. I love the smooth flow of her scenes, and she does flirting and hot sizzle so well.
I know how incredibly busy authors are with promotion, editing, and trying to write the next book—there isn’t a lot of down time. I was teasing Tawny about what she would do with herself if she had nothing on her schedule except a free weekend…
Ooooh, Sia’s for Over Coffee. One of my favorite places!! I’ll have tea, please, along with a cranberry scone with lemon curd and lots and lots of cream. There’s nothing better to start the morning off than yummy treats, a shot of caffeine and great company!
Sia mentioned in passing the question: what would I do with an entire weekend of pure relaxation, with nothing else on my plate? Well, at first I sat staring off in space for a little bit, baffled as my brain tried to wrap itself around that concept. Then I had this giddy thought! I’d sleep. Lots and lots and lots of sleep. Oh, the glory of sleep. Because, well, I don’t tend to get a lot of it.
But then I realized that would be a horrible waste of a wonderful weekend. And that’s when I fell into full-blown fantasy mode...
The weekend would start with a good night’s sleep (any good fantasy weaves in just enough reality to make it believable, right?). I’d wake up on an island, with the windows thrown open and overlooking the white sands of the sun-drenched beach. On a table outside the sliding doors I’d expect a light, healthy breakfast of fruit and breads, tea and juices. I figure a healthy breakfast gets me geared up for a weekend of relaxation more than a decadent one, right?
I’d spend the weekend on the beach, sometimes under the warmth of the sun, sometimes under a big foofy umbrella that matches the tiny one stuck in my equally foofy alcoholic beverage. I’d read, I’d watch the people I love play in the water or dig a moat in the sand, I’d spend a few tiny moments bemoaning the fact that there is no cell or internet on the island so I can’t check on life outside (because, seriously, the only thing that would make me do no work at all is a complete withdrawal).
That evening, I’d dress up in a slinky sexy little number and a pair of gorgeous heels and go out to a romantic, candlelit dinner with my husband, followed by a moonlit walk on the beach. And the next day, I’d do it all over again.
You know what? Taking the 10 minutes to fantasize about this did more to relax me than the last massage I had! What a wonderful idea.
We should all take a little fantasy relaxation weekend...
Where would you go? And what would you do? And what’s the one thing that would be absolutely necessary to make sure you really, really relaxed?
JUST FOR THE NIGHT Available May, 2011
Things to Do in Blackout…Power outages happen, and you have to be prepared. After all, you could be trapped somewhere—like in an empty store—with your ex.Who is still irresistible. And hot.And who knows how to make the most out of a dark situation…
Checklist for: Larissa Zahn
· Food
· Water
· First aid kit (With condoms. Be prepared. Very, very prepared.)
· Someone you’re still overwhelmingly into (Jason Cantrell, I’m looking at you.)
· Plenty of time in the dark (Read: hot nookie. Lots of it.)
The ability to walk away without regrets in the morning…. (Uh oh!)
24 Hours: Blackout
No lights. No power. And no holding back…excerpt
Tawny Weber is usually found dreaming up stories in her California home, surrounded by dogs, cats and kids. When she’s not writing hot, spicy stories for Harlequin Blaze, she’s shopping for the perfect pair of boots or drooling over Johnny Depp pictures (when her husband isn’t looking, of course). In
Come by and visit her on the websitr at: http://www.tawnyweber.com/ or her