morning my house came under attack from Jack Frost’s guerrilla soldiers with a little help from the Old Man Winter with his north wind. No fanciful painting of frost. These were
sprites on steroids. They had out the big gun and pelted ice balls at the house
and windows. It was loud enough to wake me up at 4 a.m. wondering what was
going on. Even the dog started barking.

was your Thanksgiving? Mine was nice but smaller than usual. Most of our family
Thanksgiving meals have a minimum of thirty-five and some years we've had all
my siblings and their families, which is considerably more. Those years we do
buffet tables set up in Pop’s finished two-car garage (actually he can get a
truck and two cars in there). The garage is right off the kitchen so bringing
out the food isn't difficult. We decorate and set the tables up along three
sides of the garage and seating in the middle. Most Thanksgivings are mild here
so we open one of the garage doors to the sunshine and concrete drive with
various lawn chairs set up nearby. Lots of room for the kids to play and the
adults to sit and gossip.
year, it was only one of my brothers and his wife, my niece, Deanna, her
husband, and their two little ones with my family. We ate inside since there
were only 11 of us. Steve baked the prettiest 24 lb turkey I've seen outside of
a magazine. He did up the sides to go with it and I did a pork roast and a
complete meal with sides. I enjoyed the cooking of it early morning with music
playing and my husband and I talking as we working on everything. He was
teasing me about how I had everything cut and lined up for each dish prettier
than Rachel Ray. I don’t know about that but you do have to keep all the
ingredients separated. J
the home front, we got a lot done during the warm spell. A dark cloud of ‘oh,
no’ came to us on Friday afternoon when realized our twenty year old chest
freezer wasn't freezing. Acck! So it was a mad dash to transfer what we could
to the bottom freezer on the fridge and a quick run to the store to buy ice bags
to pack in the freezer. Found another chest freezer, just a little smaller, on
clearance, Yay! They couldn't deliver until Monday, boo. Then with this ice and
nasty roads that’s been delayed until tomorrow afternoon.
hey, all things considered, life is still pretty damn good. J
So, how are things in your neck of the woods? Any news to share? Good movies seen or books read? C’mon, share the gossip. Laughter of it all will make the day less gray.
So, how are things in your neck of the woods? Any news to share? Good movies seen or books read? C’mon, share the gossip. Laughter of it all will make the day less gray.
Meanwhile, me and my cup of coffee will be sitting here, feet propped up in front of a warm fire and supervising the kid and his fiance put up the tree and lights. It's good being boss, lol!