I enjoy reading verious genres, I've made no bones about the fact I love romance. I've always been a reader and a voracious one at that. One the perks of having a blog about writers and authors, is the joy of reading their books.
I recently had the opportunity to read an ARC of Nancy Parra's Mr Charming. I loved it and read it in a day. Her writing has a way of not only capturing your interest but keeping it. I kept thinking, okay, I'll just finish this chapter and then I'll go start the laundry and clean the kitchen. Let me tell you, the kitchen and laundry did not get done until the afternoon. As soon as my chores were done, dinner fixed, and I fed my family, I went back into my office and read the rest of the book.
My take on Mr. Charming:
- Wonderful storyline, strong, believable characters a reader can connect with. The dialog was good and realistic; the story was fast paced, had a well developed element of suspense, and a satisfying ending. I liked the fact Nancy had as a secondary character, a child and one who reacted true to his age with his dialog and line of thinking.
- Jennifer and Kane are both strong characters and both comes with past betrayals and have issues of trust. I like the twist of Jen being a relationship advice talk show host, and the fact she is a very private person and guarded of her past, with a strong reason to distrust the press. Kane is a very successful businessman, and a playboy with an deadly enemy. Kane deals with the press all the time; it comes with the territory of his life. He's in protective custody and is staying with Jen. Their internal and external conflicts are authentic and they react to those conflicts realistically. No quick or pat solutions. You see their growth and their growing love. Their story reminds the reader that love is strong and well worth fighting for. She also reminds us that falling in love has moments of laughter as well as passion. This was a fun and engaging read.
“Why do you keep touching me?” The words were soft and breathless. Jennifer wanted to take them back the moment they were out.
“I’m a tactile guy,” Kane said simply. “I like to caress what I find beautiful.”
Surprise filled her, scattered across her face. She was thirty five with a kid. Definitely not the type of person he usually dated.
“Yeah,” he said, breaking her stunned silence. “I find you beautiful.” He stepped as close as he could without touching her. He took the mug away from her trembling hand and planted it beside them on the counter. Then he held her face in his hands and smiled down at her. “I’m the kind of man who appreciates beauty in its purest from.”
“I told you, I know what kind of man you are,” she whispered. “Don’t you see? For my own good, I have to reject you.”
“Then I’m afraid we’re at odds, sweetheart, because I have to have you.”
She had promised herself just moments before to do her best to stick to the truth. “I’m not playing games with you.” Her whole body shivered in traitorous anticipation. He drew her to him, surrounding her with male heat and strength.
“Me neither,” he replied.
She put her hand out to keep him away. Her palm hit silky warm skin spattered with just the right amount of hair to make it intriguing. She swallowed a gasp and kept her hand firmly planted on his bare chest. The last thing she wanted was for him to know how electrified she was by the feel of him. “Just keep your distance. I know you’re bored and I’m simply a distraction. It isn’t fair.”
He took her palm and raised it to his lips. His dark gaze captured hers and sent shock waves through her body. “Haven’t you heard, sweetheart? All’s fair in love and war.”
- I know in the past you've published western historical romances, what made you want to switch to romantic suspense?
I have to admit that Nora Robert's hooked me with her JD Robb series. My imagination was intrigued by romantic suspense. But you're supposed to write what you know and here I was a stay at home mom working part time while my kids were at school. What did I know about suspense? And so, Jennifer Sumner was born...a working mom in the suburbs.
- For someone who didn't know about suspense, I'd say you did a great job. :-) So, How did you get the idea of her being a radio talk show host working from the studio in her basement?
At my part time job, there was a guy whose wife was a voice over artist. She had a studio in her basement so she could work and be home with the kids. Cool, huh? I thought Jennifer needed to be more controversial-so I made her a talk show host.
- Very cool. I loved it. Did it take a long time to get this story published?
Truthfully? The story was on an editor's desk during 9/11- they loved the book but ultimately rejected it because in the story the hero's private plane is blown up. It was a tough subject then. But also proof that a good story can stand the test of time.
- What advice would you give someone who is starting out in writing?
I would tell them to read, read, read and then write a story like the ones they love to read. It was my love of romance that got me started writing. I love happy endings.
- I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one to come out. When's your next book come out? (Not that I'm eager or anything, lol!)
LOL Dream Man, my next romantic suspense, will be out in January 2010. It is the story of a sleep doctor with a client who might hold the answer to a thirty-year-old missing person's case. Cue the sexy FBI agent, the mafia, and family secrets...until the truth bubbles up, death threatens and love prevails.
- Ohhh, I like the premise. Oh yah, I'll be looking for it and of course, I'd be more than happy to read the ARC, just sayin'... Nancy, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read fun story like Mr. Charming and letting me interview you as well.
Nancy J. Parra writes romantic suspense and sweet western historical romances. Hailed as a rising star of romantic fiction, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism but turned to writing fiction when she discovered it was more fun to interview the people in her head.
She lives in the Midwest with her family, a mutt named George Bernard, and bichonpoo, Gracie Lu, nicknamed "boo, boo." George and Gracie keep her entertained and warm in the winter-Gracie likes to sit in her lap, and George, who weighs in at 80 pounds, rests on her feet while she works.
Nancy's blog: http://nancyjparrawebsite.blogspot.com/
Nancy's website: http://www.nancyjparra.com/index.html
Publisher website: http://www.thewildrosepress.com/mr-charming-p-3576.html