We all have things that make us feel good; things, which bring us comfort, or lift our heart. Maybe it’s a snatch of song, the scent of cookies baking, watching kittens play, or the sound of a baby’s delighted laugh. The first snowfall and the quiet hush of peace and beauty it brings to our heart. It’s all about atmosphere. Sometimes atmosphere is something that happens, other times it’s something we invoke.

How do you set the atmosphere in your
We want to show not tell, so how do
you show the mood and tone surrounding your characters? Dialog will give the reader verbal cues but
how you ‘paint’ your ‘scene’ gives subconscious clue to your atmosphere.
Take a moment and think: At the end of the day or the close of a long
week, what does your mind leap to that spells comfort or invokes peace or happiness?
Chances are, you will automatically add
in the atmosphere. It’s not just the
action or words or a place, but the background your mind layers in
subconsciously. If you contemplate how your comfort is built it becomes a
pattern to build atmosphere in your writing.
When you need to set a
particular tone or mood with your writing, what do you do to put yourself there
first? Do you use sound? Touch? Scent?
Open the inner journal of times past?