Well, the world didn't end.
I have to say, I was dumbstruck by all the hoopla around this whole calendar date of 12/21/12. The Mayans said it would happen so it was believable? Why? Because they weren't 'Christian' therefore their predictions were more trustworthy? Really? What part of no one knows the day and the hour (or the year) do they not get? Happens every time there is a prediction as to the day, hour, or the year. You'd think people would learn but they don't.
My personal philosophy about the earth is different. It's like searching and finding the perfect spot and designing the best environment to fit that spot—a beautiful house and grounds. If you take all that time to design it and then build it, furnish it, and set up the best ecosystems to keep it running indefinitely while providing everything needed to sustain life why would you allow all your time and effort be destroyed by renters who don't appreciate it? Wouldn't you simply give notice and remove the unappreciative renters, repair and clean it and then move in new ones who would take care of it the way the lease reads (and trust me, there would be a lease and a copy of the owner's manual)? I would. I certainly wouldn't consider it a solution drop a bomb, incinerate it, or any number of things 'predicted' to happen to destroy it! To do something like that would say all my time and effort was for nothing. That's my personal opinion based on flawed human logic, but there you have it.
I hope all of you had a lovely holiday season and have some great plans and goals for the new year. May it be filled with an abundance of love, faith, and happiness.
Happy New Year!